The Prayer Corner

Daily Prayer & Reflection

Our Franciscan Charism focus for this school year is: INTEGRITY AND GRATITUDE

In just a few days we will be honoring our mothers on Sunday, as we do every second Sunday of May.  This is a beautiful day on which we can really celebrate all of the women in our lives who have filled that 'mothering role' at any point in our lives.  Each person's story may be different but the presence of that influencer has been critical to us in some way. Coincidentally, the feast of Ascension Thursday is also celebrated this Sunday...yes, Thursday has moved to Sunday in order to help us celebrate the feast with attendance at Mass more easily.

Ascension Thursday marks 40 days AFTER the Easter resurrection of Jesus Christ...During this time, many things have been happening. Jesus has visited His apostles and disciples and many followers, He has instructed them further about their role in spreading the gift of faith they have been given, the challenges they will face,  the many other cultures, religions, and politics that will either welcome or challenge them, etc. The future is not going to be easy for them! but with conviction and joy they are to set out on this mission. That is also our challenge to this very day.  WE are now the disciples and followers of Jesus; two centuries later, all Christians are to live directives that are exactly the same.  LIVE THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST AS JESUS CHRIST LIVED small thing.

The very next Sunday, May 19th this year, is Pentecost Sunday... quite an important day for us.  It was roughly ten days after Ascension THURSDAY that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of all followers to the full message of Jesus to each and every believer.  This feast is often referred to as the 'birthday of the church' because of the immense gift of the Holy Spirit.The very prefix of the word, 'penta', is Latin for 5, referring to fifty days after the Resurrection.  Jesus knew his friends and followers were well-meaning, but in need of support and encouragement so a wisdom source was gifted to us.  Our job is to listen, to ponder and meditate on the teachings of Jesus, and to live them.  The message is, of course, TO LIVE IN LOVE with and for ourselves and all others.
We are fortunate here at TCHS in not only learning of the wealth of examples from Jesus and His followers in His day, but also the lives of the many saints who have come since, especially including our own patrons, St. Francis and St. Clare. These two are amazing examples of the love and generosity of our God being lived out by ordinary humans with extraordinary love.  It is our job to follow and become an extension of Jesus in our troubled world today.

We honor all of our mothers this coming weekend and thank God for the gift they have been to us.  We also thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit and the opportunity to practice what we learn and hear each day.: GOD IS LOVE...we should strive for no less than that in our lives and remember that love is most visible when seen as a VERB!
The TCHS Community wishes all a very enjoyable weekend and a thoughtful week as we approach Pentecost.

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Email Sister Ann

As we start our new year, we have had many requests from faculty, staff, and TCHS families for prayers for the sick of body and mind.  We include all of our families and friends each and every day in our prayers and trust that God who sees and knows all of our good intentions will hear our prayers and assist us in times of need.  Please don't hesitate to be in touch with us for specific intentions and know that we do include them in prayer.

The entire Catholic High Community extends our deepest sypmpathies and prayers to the family of Lynn Brose, wife of Dennis Brose, a longtime friend and very generous supporter of our school.  May the entire Brose family feel the support and prayers we offer and be strengthened and comforted by them.
Prayers have been requested for a young man who has recently entered hospice.  His name is Charlie Borsh and he is suffering with leukemia.  The TCHS community includes Charlie, his family and friends, in our prayers and ask God's comfort and support.

Prayers have been requested for an alumna of our TCHS Community. Please remember in your thoughts Katie Hopkins Repetti '97 who is suffering from a serious illness and would appreciate our support. Thanks to all.

The Cole family, including Elizabeth and Rebecca, have requested prayers for a young man, Charlie, who is just 19 years old, but has been battling leukemia for over a year and is very sick. He and his family need our support through our prayerful thoughts each day. Please keep him close and ask the help of our compassionate Lord.

Ro Curran '68 has requested prayers from the TCHS Community for her husband, Steve, who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that is advanced.  We offer Ro and all the family our prayerful support during this very difficult time.

Prayers are requested for the repose of the soul of Kaylin Waclawski, a young woman of 19, who died tragically from an overdose a few days ago...we mourn with and for her family and friends and ask God's gentle compassion and support.
We pray for all of those undergoing radiation and other treatments for cancer and ask for God's guidance and wisdom for all caregivers who are tending the sick.  May we be compassionate and caring to those who have lost loved ones in these recent months and show them the support they need at this time.

A member of our faculty has asked for prayers for a good friend named Linda who is having a very rough time right now.  This is what good friends whenever they can and pray for God's support and graces as we see someone we care about struggling with duties and responsibilities in life.  This request came to us because Linda is an alumna of TCHS and her friend thought we would all pray for her and her family as they deal with many, many issues at this time.  Many of us know how that feels and can sympathize...thank you for including Linda in your thoughts and prayers.

Prayers for a successful surgery and recovery for Diane Prochnow have been requested. She is a friend of one of our seniors. The TCHS community will keep her in prayer and ask God's comfort and a speedy recovery.

The entire TCHS community mourns the loss of Nikoletta (Nikki) Roros '08, who was killed in a car accident this past weekend.  We offer our sympathies and prayers to the family and friends of Nikki and ask God's comfort and support.

Prayers have been requested by the Pell family for the recovery of Mrs. Sharon Pell, grandmother of Olivia Pell '27, from serious surgery.  We ask God's grace and blessing for Mrs. Pell and all the family.

Prayers have been requested for Maryanne Czyz '77  who died suddenly after a recent diagnosis of lung/liver cancer.  Her family has asked for prayers for her and we also include all of her family and friends who mourn her loss.

Prayers have been requested for Liam O'Reilly who is suffering with leukemia and has contracted several infections that are resisting treatment. Please keep Liam and family in your prayers.

Prayers are being requested for Mrs. Shirley Thoman, who has had a bad fall and broken three ribs. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

We have been asked by Mrs. Barbara Hoey '57,  to please include in our prayers her husband, Vernon, who is suffering from side-effects in treatment for his illness.  We would include Vernon and all the family in our prayers and ask God's graces for recovery.

Prayers have been requested by Peg Miller '77, Kathy Miller Krause '79, and Erin Miller Brown '83  for their dad, Greg Miller, who is having heart surgery on November 13. We include Mr. Miller and all the family in our prayers and offer our  support for a successful surgery and full recovery.

Please remember in your prayers the repose of the soul of Stephanie Buckley, Class of '65, IND, who died this past weekend and all of her family and friends who mourn her loss.

Let us remember two relatives of our Sisters in Aston, PA.
Mr. Jack Gunder, brother-in-law to one of our sisters and Mrs. Janice Clow, a cousin to another sister at the Motherhouse.  We also remember in our thoughts the families of these two individuals and ask God's comfort and grace.
Please keep in your prayers Duffy Baker, the son of Linda Baker, '66. Duffy suffered a stroke last week and is currently in the hospital recuperating.  We keep him and his wife and children in our thoughts and prayers and ask for his full  recovery.

'Prayers are requested for Addy Eppig, a premature baby, born very early and weighing only 2lbs. 7 oz. Please keep Addy and her family in your prayers.

Our TCHS community has been asked to pray for Ms. Theresa Taulbee who is ill and awaiting test asks for our prayers for a good outcome.

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Center for Action and Contemplation - author Richard Rohr, Franciscan priest, several options, of the most popular is daily reflections with weekly themes, several books available and other subtopics -  thoughts for the day, various sources

On Being Project - several options including poetry, essay, photos, Krista Tippett shares weekly

Laudate - broad, general resource/reference for all kinds of religious needs, information bank

The God Minute - daily ten-minute prayer/reflection each day

National Catholic Reporter - daily Catholic press articles, including Earthbeat, other topical sources

Take 5 For Faith - brief, prayerful reflection each day

Daily Readings - liturgical references to daily masses - Pope Francis' COVID-19 Emergency Solidarity Fund

The Word Among Us - daily meditations, reflections, and print materials

Insight Timer - free, daily meditation app - daily prayer reflections

Heart of the Nation - Catholic Mass online, prayers

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