New Family Information


On behalf of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, our sponsors since our founding in 1939, and the The Catholic High School of Baltimore community, we welcome you! In the spirit and tradition of our patron saints, Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi, Catholic High has empowered our young women by their education for over 85 years.

All Daughters of Catholic High receive a quality, college preparatory education in the Franciscan tradition and are prepared for life beyond high school. We are excited to join you in this journey, one of academic possibilities, enriching experiences, and unparalleled opportunities!

Please enjoy the following information that will help you to prepare for the 2025-2026 school year. We are excited to be with you this fall to share in your academic, personal, and spiritual grown during the next four years!

Viva, Catholic High!

Dr. Barbara D. Nazelrod '68, President
Dr. Philip Piercy, Principal 

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FACTS & Business Office Information

All tuition at Catholic High is paid through the FACTS Management Program. You can access information that explains the FACTS program at the button below. The document will provide you with instructions on how to set up your tuition account for the 2025-2026 school year and the three years following. We are asking that all accounts for the 2025-2026 academic year be established no later than Friday, April 25, 2025

FACTS Program Information

Once your account has been established with FACTS, the Business Office will enter your balance due and FACTS will then notify you as to what the balance is and what your payment will be. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Linda Grebeleski in the Business Office with any questions or concerns that you may have at 410.732.6200 ext. 1226 or  You will also find a Customer Service number for FACTS in the information we have provided. 

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Athletics Information

Fall Sports Tryouts

Save the Date!

Dates: August 18, 2025 

Athletics Letter

questions regarding sport tryouts can be directed to our Athletic Director, Mrs. Kari McBride, at

Physical Forms

Participation in Dance tryouts, Cheerleading tryouts, and Summer Volleyball and Basketball Clinics require emergency forms to be filled out by parents/guardians. It is imperative that all new students have a current sports physical prior to tryouts. The Physical Form you submit to the School Nurse prior to the start of the school year will suffice for Athletics. A current physical must be on file, prior to August tryouts, for anyone trying out for sports. 

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Health & Emergency Information

Your daughter’s health and well-being are important factors in her education. With that in mind, we require that each child has an updated physical before she can attend school in the fall of this year. The physical should be done prior to July 31, 2025. Maryland State Law requires proof of specific immunizations. 

The following health forms are required:

  1. History and Physical - (page 2) completed by physician
  2. Immunization Record - completed by physician 
  3. Emergency Contact Information Form - completed by parent 
  4. Over-The-Counter Medication Form - completed by physician and parent 
  5. If your child takes prescription medications, please have her doctor complete the Prescription Medication Form requiring physician and parent signatures.
  6. If your child needs an inhaler or Epi-pen, please complete the TCHS Inhaler & EpiPen Contract.  

All forms and contracts can be found on our website at the button below.

Please complete and return all forms to the attention of the School Nurse no later than July 31, 2025.  Any student trying out for sports must have a Physical prior to participation. Please contact our School Nurse, Mrs. Rachel Clappin R.N. at or 410.732.6200 ext.1222 with any questions.

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Technology Information

The Catholic High School of Baltimore provides access to a full range of technological equipment, software, and programs to students and faculty for educational purposes. The faculty and staff believe strongly in the educational value of this technology and recognize its potential in support of our curriculum and student learning. 

One-to-One Technology Program

Technology is fully integrated into all curriculum areas and as part of Catholic High’s technology efforts, each student is equipped with a Chromebook. Our goal in having students use Chromebooks in the classroom is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication. 

Students are issued their personal device on the first day of classes and turn their device back in on the last day of classes. Students are required to sign a device agreement and once the device, power cord, and case are assigned to the student, the parents or guardians assume responsibility for them, excluding manufacturer defects determined by the Technology Department. Any accidental damage or theft must be reported immediately to the Technology Department. Students are expected to fully understand, and abide by, our Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Chromebook agreement. Here is a fact sheet from our Technology Office.

If you have any questions or concerns about technology or the devices students are issued please reach out directly to our Director of Technology, Mr. Andrew Adams at 

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Students are required to wear the TCHS uniform. This includes a plaid kilt, green knee socks, a green sweater, a button-down embroidered school oxford and an optional embroidered TCHS polo shirt. All students must wear tan bucks for their shoes. 


The Catholic High School of Baltimore uses the school uniform company Flynn O’Hara to outfit our young ladies. Click the button below to start shopping for your Catholic High uniform!

Flynn O'Hara

Please note: The Office of Enrollment will sponsor a Used Uniform Sale in June! date and time will be announced soon! Uniforms are available on a first come, first serve basis.

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Campus Ministry & Service

The Catholic High School of Baltimore's commitment to Christian community service is giving witness to our faith and empowering our young women to let their light shine. Christian community service is a yearly commitment and a prerequisite for advancement to the next grade level and graduation.

Christian Community Service Policy

Please thoroughly read the Christian Community Service Policy in order to begin planning service opportunities with your daughter at approved locations. As mentioned in the policy, students are required to complete 20* hours at approved locations. Students must serve at an organization from TCHS' pre-approved categories, found within the Policy, or at an organization listed within our Digital Catalog of approved organizations.

If students would like to serve at an alternative organization, they must first seek approval from Mrs. Vicki Alkins, at If at all possible, the Office of Mission encourages students to utilize their summer break to serve the community. Finally, be sure to take a service log with you when serving so that a supervisor can sign off on the hours served.

Christian Community Service Policy 2025-2026

Community Service Log

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Catholic High’s students come from over 67 zip codes and we realize that transportation can be a big consideration for families.

Bus Service

We are happy to offer round-trip bus service in conjunction with Archbishop Curley High School from a number of different areas around the Baltimore metro region. You can find information about bus routes and fees by visiting our bus transportation page at the button below. Please note: Bus seats are at a premium and we encourage families to reserve their daughter's spot as soon as possible. 

Bus Transportation


The Enrollment Office manages an opt-in carpool list of TCHS families (current and new) who are looking to join or start a carpool for their student and other students. Once you have submitted the carpool form with your information, we will send you access to the comprehensive list so you can reach out directly to others in your area who may also be looking for a ride share opportunity. 

Carpool Form

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Parent Organizations

The Catholic High School of Baltimore welcomes a student’s family to our community when she enrolls. We have a number of robust parent organizations where family members can get involved and be a part of their daughter's high school experience. Learn more about opportunities for volunteering and involvement at the button below.


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Big Sister-Little Sister Information

The Big Sister-Little Sister Program pairs incoming new students with rising seniors at TCHS to help aid in the transition to high school. All new students must complete the survey at the button below to provide information to the Enrollment Office to help match students for this unique and beneficial program. 

Little Sister Survey

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Summer Reading

The Summer Reading Assignments will be made available soon!

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Summer Workshops

We would love for your daughter to join us at our 2025 Summer Workshops! Workshops listed below are for rising Freshmen. All camps are held at Catholic High! Please note that the Instrumental Music and Archangel Workshop are mandatory for those only in the program. 

Multi - Sports Clinic

Date: June  9 - 12 
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Fee: $150
Come be a part of sports fun with the Catholic High coaches and student athletes! Each participant has the unique opportunity to experience many of the different sports that Catholic High has to offer! 

Incoming 9th Grade STEM Workshop

Date: August 4 - 7
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 3:00p.m. 
Fee: $150
Incoming 9th grade students are highly encouraged to attend the 9th Grade STEM Workshop to learn about the Program and participate in activities to prepare them for the 2025-2026 school year.

Archangel Workshop 

Date: August 4 - 7
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Incoming TCHS freshmen in the Archangel Program are required to participate in a early  August workshop session to prepare for the beginning of the 2025-2026 school year. There is no fee for the workshop, but all incoming freshman in the program are required to attend. 

Plant Based Cooking Workshop 

Date: June 23 - 26
Time: 8:30 am - 11:30 am
Catholic High's Plant Based Cooking Workshop will teach middle school students how to prepare easy and healthier meals! Activities will include meal planning, recipe creating, label reading to help with nutritional facts, and kitchen appliance usage. If you are interested in culinary and would like to learn how make healthier meals come join us for a week of cooking! 

Register Here
Summer Workshop Emergency Form

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Important Contact Information

Name Title Email
Ms. Molly Wortman '16 Assistant Director of Enrollment
Mrs. Kari McBride Athletic Director
Mrs. Linda Grebeleski Business Office
Mr. Scott Derosier Dean of Academics
Mrs. Karen Mitchell '92 Dean of Students
Sr. Ann Dutrow, OSF Director of Mission
Mrs. Kristen Green Director of Enrollment
Mr. Andrew Adams Director of Technology
Dr. Barbara D. Nazelrod '68 President
Dr. Philip D. Piercy Principal
Mrs. Cathy Buchman Registrar/Bus Coordinator
Mrs. Rachel Clappin School Nurse

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