Throughout the school year, Catholic High students take part in many special events. Read below to find out more about them.

Hello Day
Hello Day is an annual tradition at Catholic High. Seniors welcome freshmen into the Catholic High family. The day begins in the cafeteria where Big Sisters present their Little Sisters with baskets filled with stuffed teddy bears, candy, and balloons. After lunch, the auditorium fills with laughter and excitement as the students, faculty, and staff perform skits that introduce the freshmen to life at Catholic High.

The Snowball
The Snowball is a dance held in January of each year for students in grades 9-12. This dance is sponsored by Catholic High's Student Council.

Junior Ring Liturgy
During the Junior Ring Liturgy, members of the junior class officially become upperclassmen with the reception of their class rings. This tradition is one of the highlights of our students' four years at Catholic High.

Powder Puff Game
The Junior class competes against the Senior class in a Powder Puff Game every November. The game is played at Herring Run Park.

Sophomore Dance
Sophomore Dance is the second semi-formal dance for Catholic High students. The dance, held in the Catholic High Dining Hall, gives Sophomores a night of their own to come together as a class, introducing their class colors and song. It is a memorable night filled with fun and friends.

Junior Prom
Junior Prom is a night when the Junior class celebrates the unity and spirit of their class. It is their first prom together and their last event before Senior year.

Senior Prom
Senior Prom is a magical night which brings the graduating class together for one last dance.

Pep Rallies
In the fall, we recognize our Varsity Soccer, Varsity and JV Volleyball, Varsity Cross Country, and Varsity Field Hockey teams. In the winter, we recognize our Varsity and JV Basketball, Varsity Cheerleading, Varsity Indoor Track and Field, and Varsity Swimming teams. With the arrival of spring and warmer weather, we recognize our Varsity Lacrosse, Varsity and JV Softball, Varsity Outdoor Track and Field, and Varsity Golf teams.

Spirit Week & Field Day
In the spring, Catholic High participates in Spirit Week. Each day, the students get to dress down for a special theme! Then on Friday, Catholic High holds their annual Field Day which is an exciting day-long event where the classes battle against each other to earn points in fun games and activities. The students represent their class by wearing their class colors and decorating their side of the school gym!

Spirit Stick Tradition
Every year, in a school-wide celebration, Catholic High says thank you and good-bye to graduating athletes. Each Senior athlete passes their spirit stick they received Freshman year onto their Little Sisters to continue the spirit and tradition that is Catholic High.

Grandparents' Day
Grandparents of Catholic High students are invited to school for a school-wide Prayer Service, celebrating the special role they play in a their granddaughter's life.

Senior Picnic & Farewell Assembly
Every year, Catholic High holds its traditional Senior Farewell Assembly. Although many tears are shed, there is always plenty of laughter as the Seniors take a look back at their four years together at Catholic High.

Miss Catholic High & Students of the Year
Miss Catholic High and Students of the Year are honored at the end of the school year during the Miss Catholic High Assembly.

May Crowning Procession
Miss Catholic High has the honor of crowning the Blessed Mother in front of the school community during the month of May. She does so along side her court of Students of the Year.

Baccalaureate Liturgy and Commencement
Baccalaureate Liturgy and Commencement Exercises are held at The Cathedral of Mary Our Queen on the same day in May. It is one of the most memorable days in a Catholic High student's life. Surrounded by family and friends, Seniors receive their diplomas and become Catholic High's newest alumnae. Graduates wear the traditional white cap and gown along with white gloves.
The following is a list of Liturgies & Prayer Services held at Catholic High:
- Mass of the Holy Spirit
- St. Francis Day Liturgy
- Junior Ring Liturgy
- All Saints' Day Liturgy
- Immaculate Conception Liturgy
- Catholic Schools Week Liturgy
- Ash Wednesday Liturgy
- Employee Recognition Liturgy
- May Procession and Liturgy
Prayer Services
- Grandparents' Day Prayer Service
- Advent Prayer Service
- Holy Week Prayer Service
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