
Gifts to the Green and Gold Fund enable us to offer a dynamic academic program in a nurturing environment to a variety of young women. Contributions support Catholic High's mission of educating young women in the Franciscan tradition.

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Green & Gold Fund

Gifts to the Green & Gold Fund enable us to offer dynamic academic programs in a nurturing environment to an inclusive community of young women. We provide a superior education for our students by enriching academic programs, advancing technology, enhancing extra-curricular activities and athletics, maintaining the physical plant, and offering financial assistance. We also nurture the personal development of the young women in our care and encourage them to work with others for the common good. Contributions support Catholic High's missions of educating young women in the Franciscan tradition.

Make a Gift to the Green & Gold Fund

Giving Levels

The Catholic High School of Baltimore has established twelve Giving Leadership Circles, providing an opportunity for the school's benefactors to exhibit outstanding stewardship through their support of Catholic High's Green & Gold Fund.

Bachmann: $1,000,000 +
Neumann: $500,000 - $999,999
San Damiano: $100,000 - $499,999
Sisters of St. Francis: $25,000 - $99,999
St. Francis: $10,000 - $24,999
St. Clare: $5,000 - $9,999
Assisi: $2,500 - $4,999
Mother Generosa: $1,000 - $2,499
Troubadour Club: $500 - $999
Green and Gold Club: $250 - $499
Benefactors: $100 - $249
Patrons: up to $99

President's Circle: Donors of $1,000 and more will receive a distinctive President's Circle pin.

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The St. Clare Fund

The St. Clare Tuition Assistance Fund

Financially helping our students remains an urgent need in order for them to experience a quality Catholic High education, especially in these uncertain times. The Catholic High School of Baltimore is asking that you consider giving a special gift to support Catholic High's young women who need assistance so that they can continue their education.

If you are fortunate enough to be able to give at this time, a worthy young woman waits “for the light that is you.” Please donate and give to our Let Your Light Shine, St. Clare Tuition Assistance Fund. Help to continue the legacy of The Catholic High School of Baltimore!

You are the light!

Make a Gift to The St. Clare Fund

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Methods of Giving

Investment of Cash

Credit Card Gifts
Making your Green & Gold Fund contribution by credit card may provide you with certain benefits such as frequent flyer miles. Catholic High accepts Visa, Discover, MasterCard, and American Express.

Monthly Gifts
Set up a recurring monthly donation on our Donate page in the amount of $25, $50, $100, or $200 dollars. Give for as many months as you would like or cancel anytime.

Make check payable to The Catholic High School of Baltimore and mail to Catholic High.

Matching Gift
Many companies will match your gift to Catholic High. Hundreds of companies match the gifts of employees, spouses, board members, or retirees. Please contact your company's Human Resources Department, and kindly complete and return the matching gift form with your contribution.

Making a gift in someone else's name still allows you to take the appropriate tax deduction. Gifts may by made in memory of a deceased friend or family member. All honorary and memorial gifts will be recognized in the Annual Report in one listing.

Planned Giving

Gifts of Life Insurance
If you own a life insurance policy and no longer need its protection, you may transfer the policy's ownership to Catholic High. The gift will generate a charitable income tax deduction approximately equal to the cash surrender value of the policy on the date of the gift. If you prefer, you can designate Catholic High as a partial or full beneficiary of the life insurance policy.

Gifts of Securities
Supporting Catholic High with a gift of long-term appreciated securities allows you to avoid paying taxes on the capital gain you would have realized if you had sold the stock and donated the proceeds. You also receive a tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock at the time of the gift.

Naming Catholic High as a beneficiary in your will helps to ensure our school's future. You may elect to make an outright gift of funds specified at either a designated dollar amount or as a percentage of your estate. Become a member of the Tau Society by including Catholic High in your will. Giving through an estate provides you with a gift of a lifetime. Life insurance, annuities, trusts, or investing through your will are excellent ways to make a lifelong testimony to an institution that has profoundly impacted your life.

Other Ways to Give

Facebook Fundraising
Through Facebook Fundraising, 100% of your donation goes to Catholic High. Visit our Facebook page to make a donation or create a fundraiser on our behalf.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I contribute?

Donate online, mail in a check, or call us at 410.732.6200 to pay over the phone. 

Please return checks to:

Catholic High Office of Institutional Advancement
2800 Edison Highway
Baltimore, MD 21213

Kindly make your tax-deductible gift by June 30. Gifts will be published in our Annual Report, mailed in the fall of the following year.

Why does Catholic High need an annual fund? Doesn't tuition cover all costs?

Catholic High strives to keep tuition affordable for all families. We rely on the Green & Gold Fund to bridge the gap between tuition revenue and the actual operating costs of running our busy school.

Why does my participation matter?

When applying for grants, foundations ask us about the percentage of participation among our various constituents, including the percentage of alumnae, parents and friends donating to the Green & Gold Fund. Your gift, no matter the amount, helps us secure other funding for the school because the higher participation rate among our most loyal benefactors the better. Your gift does matter.

Why invest in Catholic High?

Catholic High is a school on the move, progressing into the future with great promise. We maintain high academic standards, promote leadership, and encourage a lifelong commitment to Christian community service.

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