Daily Prayer & Reflection

Our Franciscan Charism focus for this school year is: INTEGRITY AND GRATITUDE

TRINITY  SUNDAY ⏤ A special day to take time to honor the Triune God we adore, is most appropriately placed in the liturgical calendar after the most significant events of our faith: the life, death, and resurrection of the Son of God, Jesus, and the gift to us after Jesus' Ascension back to heaven, the Holy Spirit.  We have been called forth on Pentecost to be disciples, evangelizers in our world, in living the ways of Jesus and His message through the wisdom, courage, and grace of His Holy Spirit...The Trinity of God to be proclaimed to one and all without exception.
All of this at once can be just a little overwhelming!  But it is important to take note that our celebration of Easter joy grows and grows through this Trinity Sunday to the magnificent reality that Jesus, our Lord and Savior, is alive and well and still working among us...death cannot separate us.  And we are also gifted with God's Holy Spirit to travel with us on this journey to fulfillment and eternal peace and happiness. We could well be exploding with excitement and joy! And yet, we'll likely get up on Monday morning and return to our regular routine without much thought on all of this.

These weekly celebrations will fall back into 'Ordinary Time' and we will pick up and move on...but perhaps we don't have to fall into a rut of boredom and sameness all over. Perhaps this year we can plan ahead and take a few minutes each day or week to recall those high moments of promise and anticipation. There's a well-known poem out there about Mary the day after she was asked to be the Mother of God...and she was back at washing and cooking and cleaning. The secret for any Christian seeking to do better each day in their relationship with God is simply this:  take it one day at a time, talk to Jesus and remember His Holy Spirit alive within you, look to each act or thought and make it your very best ever. You have that potential within you...always. That's it...that's all God asks of us ⏤ and we can walk humbly with our God in gratitude. AMEN!
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