Community Service

Christian Community Service Policy 2024-2025

Catholic High’s commitment to Christian community service is giving witness to our faith and empowering our young women to let their light shine. Christian community service is a yearly commitment and a prerequisite for advancement to the next grade level and graduation. Through action and reflection, Christian community service provides opportunities to build discipleship within the Catholic High community, the Greater Baltimore community, and the world. In the words of St. Francis, “Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.”

Christian Community Service Requirements

This year, students are required to complete 30* community service hours. A minimum of 15 hours is required by a determined semester deadline.

First Half Due (15 Hours) Second Half Due (Total=30 Hours)
All Grades (9-12) January 6, 2025 April 25, 2025

Students may begin logging service hours for the 2024-2025 school year beginning April 27, 2024. Any hours completed prior to this date will not be counted toward the student’s 2024-2025 service requirement.

Community Service hours do not rollover in order that service is part of a student’s entire TCHS experience.

Students will be required to complete a graded Christian Community Service Reflection Assignment through their Theology class. Details and rubrics will be provided through the Theology Department.

Approved Locations

Service opportunities must occur within a formal volunteer program or under a direct volunteer supervisor/ event coordinator, at a non-profit that does not conflict with our Catholic values.

Students are required to serve with an organization included in TCHS’ Community Service Digital Catalog or in the pre-approved categorized settings listed below:

  • Camps that are faith-based and/or service-based
  • Emergency services (e.g. Red Cross, police, firefighters)
  • Church events, programs, & ministries
  • Community Parks & Recreation
  • Libraries & Schools
  • TCHS Institutional Advancement Office/events volunteer
  • NHS tutoring program
  • Organizations listed in TCHS’ Community Service Digital Catalog
  • Pre-approved virtual/at home options from the Office of Mission

If a student wishes to volunteer outside of these settings in an alternative location, such as a different nonprofit organization, she must first receive approval from the Office of Mission

Please Note
Students may not volunteer in the family’s workplace or for her family members. Parents may not sign off as supervisor on logged service hours.

At-home service projects may not be submitted for service hours unless specifically approved in advance. Proper supervision, verification and procedures are needed for all service hours. A maximum of five hours of at-home/virtual service are able to be approved each year. (i.e. casseroles, card making, knitting, etc.)


  • Begin community service over the summer. It is common for there to be volunteer training or an orientation at many sites, so setting up a site takes some time.
  • Go beyond the requirement. Service hours are used to nominate students for many scholarships and awards.
  • Christian Community Service should help someone or an organization in need; Christian community service is not the same as free labor.
  • Students should submit hours via MobileServe before leaving the volunteer site, if possible. Hours must be submitted as soon as possible. Electronic signature or email verification is needed for approval. 
  • Contact a local, Catholic non-profit organization such as Catholic Charities, Catholic Relief Services or St. Vincent de Paul for some service locations and opportunities.
  • It is important that with each activity the student writes a reflection (found on the back of the community service log form). Community service is not only an activity to be completed, but a means to meet Christ in the people who are being served.
  • Consider working with one organization throughout the year. Building a relationship with a community is most rewarding for the student and helpful for the agency. Committing to one agency provides connections that are helpful in applying to colleges and jobs.
  • We encourage students to wear their Catholic High uniforms or clothing with the TCHS logo on it in order to promote our school.
  • Ask fellow students from your county where and how they serve for inspiration. You could arrange to serve together and car pool.
The following Service Awards are given at the end of the school year to deserving Catholic High students:
  • Mother Generosa Award: 50-99 hours of service             
  • Saint Clare Award: 100-199 hours of service
  • Saint Francis Award: 200 or more hours of service
  • Canticle Award: Senior student with highest total number of hours over all four years. 

MobileServe Information

  • 10th-12th Graders: All hours must be submitted through the MobileServe app. Directions for using MobileServe can be found on the school website > Student Life > Community Service.
  • 9th Graders: All service hours completed between April 30 - September 11, 2022 must be submitted on paper logs at the beginning of the school year. A member of the Office of Mission will meet with you to introduce MobileServe in early September. The log form can be found on the school website > Student Life > Community Service.
  • Hours should NOT be submitted on both logs and the app!
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