
Relationship Formed with The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company

Sep 26, 2023

In September 2023, six of Catholic High’s Senior Engineering students visited The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company Headquarters in Towson this week to kickstart the beginning of a wonderful relationship! Our young women spent several hours at Whiting-Turner for a detailed Orientation including an office tour and round-table discussion with Whiting-Turner President, Mr. Timothy Regan!  

In the afternoon, several Whiting-Turner mentors challenged our engineering students with a “Bid Day” simulation where they were tasked with submitting a bid to obtain work from a property owner. In the coming weeks, our students will gain valuable field experience on a Whiting-Turner job site! 

This summer 2024, Whiting-Turner will offer a week-long shadow experience to a few of our rising Seniors who qualify. Catholic High is excited to grow this relationship with Whiting-Turner as it will directly benefit students in the Engineering concentration of our STEM Program and prepare them for college and beyond! 

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